
We would like to thank all patients for their participation in the CONVINCE Trial.

The Trial results have been analysed and have recently been presented at the European Stroke Organisation Conference in Switzerland. They have also been published in The Lancet medical journal.


The purpose of the CONVINCE Trial was to investigate whether an anti-inflammatory medication called colchicine used with standard treatment leads to fewer strokes and heart attacks, compared to standard treatment alone.


In the primary analysis, colchicine reduced the number of strokes and heart attacks compared to routine care, but the difference did not reach the scientific level for statistical significance, so it could not be concluded with a high degree of certainty that these results were caused by colchicine treatment. The possibility remains that they may be due to chance.


In secondary analyses, there were other strong suggestions that colchicine may be beneficial to prevent strokes and heart attacks.


The CONVINCE trial has demonstrated that further large studies of colchicine treatment are needed and these trials are being planned in several countries worldwide. If proven, colchicine will be a valuable treatment to protect stroke survivors against future strokes and heart attacks.

A patient would like to continue to take colchicine after the CONVINCE Trial ends, is this possible?

Unfortunately as the trial has ended, the patient can no longer be provided with colchicine by the CONVINCE Study Team at their hospital. Patients should contact their GP and discuss their ongoing treatment with them. Note that low dose colchicine is available widely in Europe for prevention of gout and other forms of arthritis.

GPs: My patient has ended the trial, what now?

Now that the trial has ended, it is not possible for the trial team to indefinitely continue to supply colchicine to trial participants. Depending on the results of the trial (not yet available but expected by June 2024), you may wish to consider prescribing low dose colchicine after discussion with your patient. However, please note that this is not required by current treatment guidelines.

Where will the trial results be published?

Trial results will be published on the website, CONVINCE section, by June 2024

Should you have any questions please contact